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50 Foot Empty Finger Spool "Hot Pink"

50 Foot Empty Finger Spool "Hot Pink"

So with our 50 foot / 15 mteter finger spool you can now wind your own line! So now you can choose the color and type of line you want on your short finger spool

This is our latest empty spool allowing you to build your own finger safety spool with your colors! 

Choose standard line which will give you 50 feet on this spool or go with a flat line and get even more on it

No more wondering who's finger spool with you having a stand out color

 3" inch diamter

7/8" Inner line area. *This is where your line goes

1 1/4" Overall Width which includes sidewall thickness 

7/8" inch inside hole diameter

Piranha's Price: $6.49 
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