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Brand New! Cave Dives Adventure Memory Tags from Expedition Bound

Brand New! Cave Dives Adventure Memory Tags from Expedition Bound

You can now create a memory with our latest item from Expedition Bound folks making customs tags for you!

You made the dive now make your memory with these colorful tags by selecting from our many options

These are laser engraved to give you a crisp looking tag plus with our selection of colors you can make it custum just for you or your group


We have different tags for different dives such as wreck or reefs, cave dives, spearfishing dives and so many more just choose the ones you want and keep those memories alive with our tags! 


Go to for even more tags to choose from and create those lasting memories! 


Adding Information to your memory tag

So your first line will be the CAVE you dove in


Your second line is the CAVE location


Your third line is the depth you dove in the Cave with how far you traveled inside the CAVE system plus add how far you traveled inside the cave if you choose. Example 100ft / 500ft so depth is first and distance would be second if you choose to add


The 4th line is the date of your dive! 


You also select the color of your memory tag from our drop down box below

Lastly if you want to add a holder for your memory tag select from our list below


Allow up to 2 to 3 days of processing time since these are custom made to order! 

Piranha's Price: $2.99 
Select Your Tag Color 
Add Your Tag Holder 
Add Name Of Cave:

Cave Location:

Add your Depth / Travel Distance inside the cave!:

Your Depth in Feet or Meters so we can add to your depth:

Add Date of Dive: