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Clicker Reel 150ft Yellow spool w/ black body

Clicker Reel 150ft Yellow spool w/ black body

  • This is a great reel for use with a flag float, Smb or liftbag
  • Positive clicker lever makes using this reel easy for the novice to a breeze for the techie
  • Durable plastic construction means longer life use
  • Winding handle is perfect for those with heavy gloves to use but comfortable for the bare handed diver
  • Large reel handle opening makes this reel easy to use underwater
  • Has a hole on the handle for a split ring and clip or just use a double ender to carry this reel
  • This 150ft reel comes in YELLOW spool with black body
  • The large clicking lever is also made in YELLOW with a large finger pad to work with underwater again for ease of use

  • Piranha's Price: $14.99