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New! PINK Harness Pouch for either our Eezycut Trilobite or Ceramic Knifes!

New! PINK Harness Pouch for either our Eezycut Trilobite or Ceramic Knifes!

  • Want an extra or get our colored pouch for your Eezycut or cermic knife?
  • Going on a trip? Cheap insurance to have so you can always have your cutter with you!
  • The Harness Pouch is designed to slide onto any 2" inch wide webbing for a secure and comfortable fit. The tool fits inside the pouch with a very snug fit. The harness pouch is made of 100% nylon webbing with velcro to secure your knife
  • **NOTE: This is for the pouch only and does not include any knife! 

  • Piranha's Price: $9.99