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New! Spinner For 50 Foot Finger Spools

New! Spinner For 50 Foot Finger Spools

We now have a new item that allows you to place one of our aluminum 2 piece spinners.

You simply take a molded 100 foot finger spool with the finger diameter of 1" inch and you can add or remove this spinner anytime. Our black or yellow finger spools work with these spinners. Not sure if the spool you have just measure the inner finger hole and as long as it has a 1" inch hole you can fit it with these spinners!

Using a spinner makes deploying a liftbag or surface marker much easier! 

NOTE: Our Colored Finger Spools which you can find under our reels & spool tab also have a 1" inch inner hole which these spinners  will work! 

Piranha's Price: $9.99