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Short Reel w/ knob lock

Short Reel w/ knob lock

Our newest innovative dive reel that is operated with one hand with a twist of the knob allows you to control how much drag you wish while either deploying an liftbag / Smb or going into a wreck and using it as a guide back out. A simple but straight forward use  

You can dive with this reel with gloves or without! The handle has a wide curve allowing you to quickly and smoothly operate without an issue 

At the top of the handle near the edge is a hole to clip your reel off  

Line length: 164 feet /50 meters
Line Type / color: white Nylon
Body: black painted aluminum
Spool: Nylon / 3 1/4" inch diameter :: 1 3/4" inch inside spool diamter
Clutch: Lock down knob

Piranha's Price: $56.99