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Silicone Tank Strap Fits 7.25 Cylinders  "Color  Black"

Silicone Tank Strap Fits 7.25 Cylinders "Color Black"

  • Just like our elastic tank bands these silicone ones will provide many years of service!
  • The strap has a nice pull tab to lift and reset your hoses or set up
  • Works on 7" to 8" cylinders!
  • Comes in 3 colors Black, Yellow and Blue : Select Below!
  • Our 6inch diameter Silicone tank strap fits on all standard AL80 or similar diameter tanks.
  • The strap can be used in standard or side mount tank set-ups to secure hoses and other dive accessories tightly to tanks.
  • Technical Divers, Cave Divers and Underwater photographers secure all manner of equipment with our Tank Strap.

  • Piranha's Price: $9.99 

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