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XS Scuba Cave Marker Holder

XS Scuba Cave Marker Holder

As a cave and wreck penetration diver you know the value of line arrows and line cookies.

These simple, but important accessories for overhead environment diving can be your only indication to locate the exit and, in a silt-out just by touch you can safely exist the overhead environment.

Digging through a BCD pocket is not the most advantage stowage location for these important dive safety tools.

The Highland by XS Scuba Cave Marker Holder is designed to provide easy access to these important accessory items by allowing the line arrows and cookies to be attached to a 7.5" (19cm) rubber tube with stainless-steel spring-loaded piston clip with 18-8 rust free stainless spring that easily attaches to your BCD or harness assembly.

Simply pluck an arrow or cookie off the tube when you need to attach one to the cave or wreck line.


  • Attachment point for line arrows and cookies
  • Easy access to important accessory
  • Attaches to BCD or harness assembly
  • Stainless steel, rubber, plastic construction
  • Spring loaded gate clip opening


Piranha's Price: $16.79